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Animal chiropractic is a field of medicine that concentrates on the skeletal system of your pet, especially the spine. The spine is made up of vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, and nerves.


If the vertebrae do not move properly, if they don't move enough, are "stuck" in a certain position, or become in any way dysfunctional, the nerves that come off the spinal cord and go to all the muscles and organs cannot work properly. 


Think of it as a kink in a garden hose....the water cannot flow properly. If nerves are "kinked", i.e. restricted, they cannot work properly. 


This then results in your pet losing normal mobility and you may notice stiffness, tension, pain, or other abnormalities (like incontinence)

Jake before his first adjustment.

Jake 20 minutes after his first adjustment.

Jake 5 weeks after his third adjustment

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